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Go to the shopSunia Yoga is committed to spreading mindfulness to our younger generation!
We strive to do more than just sell yoga pants. The Sunia Yoga brand is here to make a long term impact by truly enriching people's lives, and our planet. This is what our mission is, and always will be. Feel better knowing a portion of your purchase will go towards a truly worthy cause. Read more about our non-profit sponsorship programs.
A portion of your purchase goes to one of these kids non profit organization:
Social Development Organization Nepal
We are partnered with this incredible non-profit orphanage in Nepal. Please check out the amazing work this organization does for their children:
One Tree Planted - Non profit Organization on Reforestation
One Tree Planted is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. As an environmental charity, they are on a mission to make it simple for anyone to help the environment by planting trees! Sunia Yoga will donate one dollar with every purchase of leggings to this awesome organization.
Trees help clean the air we breathe, filter the water we drink, and provide habitat to over 80% of the world's terrestrial biodiversity. They also provide jobs to over 1.6 billion people, absorb harmful carbon from the atmosphere, and are key ingredients in 25% of all medicines.
Our School Community
We also dedicate our own time to teach kids yoga and meditation in public elementary schools throughout San Diego county. Our founder Suni has collaborated with other yoga teachers to go out to schools and teach yoga. The response has been so good in our community. We do this strictly on a volunteer basis. We cannot put a dollar value to this. To Quote Suni:
"...those little precious faces we see of our little yogis after a class are just priceless...!"
We realize there are so many yoga videos out there they can watch and practice. But it is so important to our founder Suni to be present in the class rooms. Being physically present with them carries much more of a profound impact than simply watching a video.
Being in the present moment with them is so critical while teaching yoga and mindfulness to kids. This is why our founder Suni goes out herself and teaches kids right in their own class rooms. She is committed to getting as many kids as possible on the yoga mat, one little yogi at a time. :)
Thank you for your continued support so we can continue to give back to our community!